Facilitation Case Studies




Senior Leadership Team retreat

Need: Agree and achieve a Business unit’s strategic approach for the next few years and be ready to hit the ground running as a team. The team are diverse in all senses. There is a good mix of people – some brand new and those who have been here sometime. They need to work together and collaborate quickly with an agile mindset. Some have had little exposure to strategy and so need them to up-skill quickly.

How: We designed a 2 day event that would produce a strategy and bond the team together. This included a good mix of learning, workshopping and addressing keys to high performance including refining best practice leadership. There were opportunities for whole group dialogue and working break-out groups. Those who had less experience were safely able to get up to speed. Over the 2 days the leader and myself explored what different people needed and when and how to be flexible with the agenda and activities to hit the mark.


“Penny is an excellent facilitator, which means that she was able to help us generate tangible results from a short strategic planning offsite. Feedback from the team was that it was one of the most productive and effective strategy workshops they’d ever done, and Penny played a big role in that. Penny has great insights into team dynamics and she thinks strategically about the capabilities needed in a team to deliver on its strategy. I found her feedback on our team after a relatively short time to be insightful and valuable. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Penny.” – Executive team member and leader of the team



The Mental Health, Addictions & Intellectual Disability Service event

Need: A day event for a diverse wide-spread of support staff across the region (80-100), working in isolation with little opportunity to get together; some have been in the job a long time and some new. Should include a mixture of celebration, recognition, mindset shift to upcoming changes and sharing best practice.

How: We chose the theme ‘Our Growing Edge’. The 1 day event included lots of fun and humour through workshops on sharing best practice, learning sessions around change and why we resist, workshops to tackle blocks to change, understanding change preferences and many opportunities for group activities. I facilitated and ran all sessions.


“I have to say I enjoyed your course very much , not only the content which has made me re-evaluate aspects of my job but your delivery style was very refreshing.” Participant

“Very vibrant and engaging – loved learning off Penny.” – Participant

“Excellent delivery style. Very engaging.” – Participant



The Mobil event: The Customer Synergy Experience

Need: An upskilling, motivational and informative event around new branding and improving customer service for all Mobil owners with their teams. It was important they buy into the new brand and see value in investing in their business and people.

How: Due to the large numbers and limited time available, a group consisting of myself and three colleagues created a high energy interactive event, which was fast-paced with soundbites and numerous activities. This included games, exercises, videos and prizes.

We ran two workshops concurrently for an hour and changed over. One focused around mindset shift and motivation, and the other branding value and customer service.

Lastly we bought the whole group together to highlight people and team leadership, talk through key actions and troubleshoot issues, ending on a high with work about creating motivation for their team and sharing best practice ideas.



“Penny was a brilliant engaging communicator, with interaction and ownership key to getting the most out of the sessions.” – Participant

“Gets you pumped and excited about what you are learning, which makes you eager to put in to practice.” – Participant