Leadership Programmes
Giving effective developmental feedback
There is a culture in many NZ organisations of leaders avoiding the hard conversations or when they do, carrying out the conversation badly. As we know, regular performance conversations, done well and consistently, drive improved performance and engagement.
I would encourage you to ensure all your leaders know how to approach these conversations well so they are factual, respectful and truly about the development of the person and their performance.
I’ve have provided a brief outline below and you can find more information about challenging conversations programmes on the Communication page.
Need: All leaders need to have robust, respectful fact-based performance conversations that enables the other to develop and perform better, and maintains the relationship.
How: There are a number of aspects that can be covered, including:
• Performance conversations throughout the year
• Preparing your team for regular performance conversations
• Model for giving positive feedback
• Model for giving developmental feedback
• Neuroscience and managing emotions for yourself and others
• Preparation and practice
• Managing pushback and defence
• Common problems that arise
• Moving to a more ‘formal discussion and process’
• Key techniques to use
• Beyond the conversation/ sound leadership
Recent Clients include:
AsureQuality, Watercare, Crombie Lockwood, PWC, Transpower to name a few.Feedback
“I feel the environment and culture within my team has improved significantly. The feedback I have received from my direct reports is that they feel they can comfortably approach me with any situation, and that I continue to provide support, robust feedback and mentoring.” – Participant